• Nephos is a harmonious steam-bent wooden sculpture suspended in motion. Each stem-bent curve unpacks the sensorial ability of our human experience as the eye moves across split wood, hand tool marks, and glossy finish to form twisting monumental curves held in tension by cord and steel. Each intersection of material or texture reinforces how we, as people, live in varying degrees of refinement; moving towards our definition of perfect. The sculpture’s cordage tangles the dynamic curves, twists, and loops into tension causing the eye to wander around the sculpture’s massive scape.The tensile wrapping is a reminder that we are relational beings embroiled between the influence of outside forces and our own will. Nephos is optimistic towards the diversity of life’s paths by having the curves terminate in carved flourishes. Nephos encapsulates the beauty found in the diversity between perfection and imperfection.

  • Height: 16ft Length: 28ft Width: 40ft

    Ash, Maple, Walnut, Cedar, Cherry, Poplar, White Oak, Steel Cable, Paracord